Training & Vocations
Woman Alive

Do you feel Called to Evangelism?

Sarah Waller

Did you know that Church Army Commissioned Evangelists are an international community of trained lay ministers? Our training releases Evangelists into the area of ministry that they feel called to by God. In July, we celebrated the Commissioning of 15 passionate individuals into the Anglican Office of Evangelists at a captivating ceremony in Sheffield Cathedral.

“When they are in training with us, we call our students Evangelists-in-Training: that’s because they are already evangelists when they come to us – it’s God who calls and equips them to be evangelists! But while they are in training with Church Army they deepen in their faith as a disciple of Christ, learn more about their vocation with Church Army and the Anglican church, and grow in their skills as pioneering evangelists.

“We are so proud to see everyone being Admitted and Commissioned: the day marks the culmination of years of discerning a vocation and being formed as evangelists.” Elli Wort – Church Army Head of Initial Training.

Kia Macpherson is celebrating her Admitting and Commissioning this year and she is an incredible individual. Growing up in a non-Christian household, Kia felt like an outsider in the world of the church. But as a teenager, she embraced Christianity and found her purpose.

Whilst exploring her calling, she attended a Church Army Discovery Day, where she discovered a welcoming community of like-minded individuals – a place that felt like home. And now, Kia has unlocked her potential and developed new skills and ways of thinking that are transforming her life and the lives of those around her.

Discover Your Unique Path to Evangelism at our Free Discovery Days!

Our Discovery Days are the first step to finding out more about the vocation of evangelism. The Discovery Day is all about you exploring more, discerning the first step of your calling and finding out if training with Church Army is right for you.

During the day you will hear first-hand stories of some of our Evangelists and have the opportunity to ask questions about what life is like on the frontline of vocational Evangelism.

Click here to book your free place at our Discovery Day Events

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