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My Favourite Bible Verse…

Andrew Horton

Head of Communications & Digital Engagement

“A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:7-9

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Some pieces of Scripture are tough to digest, aren’t they? For me, these verses from Galatians 6 go deep. I think it’s because the words are both challenging and encouraging. And they contain two important life lessons. Firstly, to make sure we try to do things which please God and aren’t selfish. Secondly, that we must be persistent in doing these things and hold onto the hope that what we’re doing is worth it.

In the early part of my career, I worked as a BBC journalist. But – in a way that God often does – I felt called to move into something different. I have now worked in the Christian charity sector for nearly 15 years. Part of the reason for this was to be able to ‘sow to please the Spirit’ – to honour God with the good gifts and talents He has developed in me. Of course, it would have been possible to have done this and remain working in the secular media. But hey, I felt a ‘God-prompt’, so here I am!

At Church Army, I believe we are doing good things which please God – we’re sowing ‘to please the Spirit’, whether that’s in helping communities see and know Jesus’ passionate, transformative love for them; or simply sitting with people, sharing a cuppa and being a peace-filled presence in their lives. And because I hear stories like you’ll read in this edition of CA inFocus, it helps me to not grow weary but be deeply encouraged to keep going with this good work.

Neville Willerton

Director of Mission Operations

“…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

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This verse from Isaiah means a lot to me, and it brings me hope when times are challenging. This verse is also a helpful reminder when I am running Parkrun on a cold and wet Saturday morning – that He is my strength!

However, this verse also reminds me that, as Church Army, we are bringers of hope to those who have not heard the Good News. We are bringers of hope for those who are overlooked, for the homeless, for those on our waterways not knowing where their next meal is coming from, for young people on an estate now attending a Missional Youth Church.

The kind of hope we bring in Church Army is practical. It has feet and runs after those in need, and it goes to the darkest of places. Church Army delivers practical hope that brings strength to those who feel weary and faint.

Denise Ambrose

HR Manager

‘As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.’ Genesis 8:22

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In chapter eight of Genesis, we read the story of the great flood, when God saves Noah in the ark. After the waters have subsided, God calls Noah to bring his family and all the creatures out of the ark back onto dry land.  

After getting everyone off the ark, the first thing Noah does is build an altar to honour God with sacrifices of burnt offerings. Verse 21 tells us that God smells the pleasing aroma of the offerings and says He will never again destroy the earth. This is God making a covenant promise with Himself (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to creation. He promises that while earth endures, He will provide for all our physical needs (v22).  

Even as He makes this promise, God knows that our hearts are naturally inclined to sin, and, as pleasing as the aroma of the sacrifice is, sacrifices and offerings are not what He desires (Heb 10:5). 

Jumping forwards some 2,000 years, we see the unfolding story of another covenant promise being agreed between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This sets into motion a plan to restore the relationship, broken by sin, between God and the people He created and loves. In this plan, the Father says an ark won’t do this time, we need a perfect sacrifice to save the world from sin. The Son says, I’ll go, Father, and the Holy Spirit says, I will make a way. 

The plan is perfect: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).  

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