Church Army Summer Challenge

An activity for each week

Let’s fill the holidays with activities that bring hope!

Nearly all our Centres of Mission run projects to inspire and bring God’s love to children and young people. More than half are running activities throughout the holidays to provide food, fun, and good memories to the most vulnerable children in our society.

Inspired by our full-size angel wings currently touring UK festivals, Evangelist Amy Hayes from our Selby Centre of Mission invites you to take part in this fun resource she has created to encourage children to get creative and bless others over the holidays.

Each activity has a Bible verse to read, a reflection, and something to do. Download below.

  • Activity 1: How can we be generous to others?
  • Activity 2: Are we higher than the Angels, and how can we be an ‘angel’ to others today?
  • Activity 3: What is the Good News? Take a dive into Revelation to find out more.
  • Activity 4: Does God take sides? Create a message of hope for your window, or to give away, that will bring a smile to others*
  • Activity 5: Create a song, poem or prayer inspired by the Psalms!
  • Activity 6: What could a party in heaven look like?

Don’t forget to let us know how you’re getting on by posting a picture of your activity on social media and tag us @churcharmy