Holiday Hope: Urgent Appeal

Just £5 can help keep a child safe, this summer

Will you donate to help us provide hot meals, happy activities – And hope?


For many schoolchildren, the upcoming school holidays spell six weeks of fun and freedom. But right now, others are dreading the last day of school.

They might be one of the 9 kids in every classroom who live in poverty, or one of the 20% of children who have a mental health problem or one of the 2 million who rely on free school meals.

For these children, school is their safe haven. It’s the place where they’re fed, see people who care about them, and are protected from chaos they often experience whether that’s at home, in their own thoughts, or on the streets when they have nowhere else to go.  When schools close for six weeks… they can disappear.

But with your help, we can see these children all summer – and give them hope.

Our local centres are full of caring staff who reach out to vulnerable children and families, making summer as fun as it should be. This can range from providing delicious meals, to organising fun group activities and opportunities to play with friends.

Above all, we can keep them safe, and looked after.


School holidays are just around the corner. And with the cost-of-living crisis, more children than ever will need the support of our local centres. So please, help today.

Just £5, the cost of a coffee, can help turn a child’s summer from a time of dread to one of hope.  Isn’t that the best way to spend £5? Please give below: