CA In Ireland
The mission of Church Army is to share the gospel message of hope and transformation throughout the UK and Ireland. Countless lives have changed through God’s powerful love and many more continue to be touched by His grace as we impact people in some of the hardest to reach areas. According to the Central Statistics Office of Ireland, over 600,000 people are experiencing deprivation and financial hardship across Ireland, 22.5% of those being children.
In both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland we are working with dioceses and local churches, using their knowledge and passion to identify areas of need and facilitate change through our Centres of Mission and a growing number of evangelists in churches and projects called to bring God’s love to people across Ireland.
This is some of our work in Ireland:
Ballina is situated in County Mayo and the Centre of Mission there was launched in 2016 in partnership with Ballina Churches Together. Marian Edwards is the Evangelist there working to help with social isolation, bringing people together and joining them up with local agencies.
The Cork Centre of Mission is based in the town of Ballincolig. Launched in 2021 the Centre is relatively new and one of the aims of evangelist Matt Gould is to reach out to the young people in the area through youth cafes and teenage leadership courses. The area is rapidly expanding and so resources are stretched.
Lead Evangelist Philip McKinley is leading the Kildare Centre of Mission. Launched in September 2022 it has a focus to develop the evangelist and pioneering potential of the area and create new worshipping communities around the dioceses of Meath and Kildare.
A staggering 67 different languages are spoken in the town of Sligo which is on the west coast of Ireland. Sligo has seen a large increase in social deprivation in recent years and 28% of the population there live alone. Alan Williamson is the Lead Evangelist at the Sligo Centre of Mission which works in partnership with the Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh.
Newry is positioned on the main road between Dublin and Belfast and is a short drive from the border of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Newry has a long and painful history of conflict and further turmoil has been experienced post Brexit. Scott McDonald and Laurence Bellew are the evangelists working hard in the Newry Centre of Mission proclaiming the good news of the Gospel, peace and reconciliation.
North Belfast
The North Belfast Centre of Mission was launched in 2015, there our evangelists Karen Webb and Stephen Whitten reach out to local communities including schools and local churches with help and support. They work collaboratively with numerous charity partners including the Diocese of Connor, Christians Against Poverty, Baby Basics and Transforming Lives For Good (TLG).
Prayers in Focus
Pray the Ballina Centre of Mission will reach people suffering from social isolation.
Pray the young people of Cork will be open to engaging with the Centre of Mission.
Pray the Kildare Centre of mission will forge new connections in the local community, reaching those most in need.
Pray the people of Newry will feel the loce and peace of God and feel connected through the Centre of Mission.
Pray the north Belfast Centre of Mission will make strong relationships with local communities through school ministries and street outreach.