Colin’s story
Colin* grew up with no support, no encouragement and no aspirations. In adulthood he fell into a life scarred by addiction to alcohol and drugs. But that wasn’t the end of Colin’s story…
A turning point came when Colin met Mike*, a Church Army Evangelist. Mike invited Colin to attend a course he was running and soon after, Colin decided to give his life to Jesus. But life for those struggling with addictions is messy, meaning problems people like Colin are up against don’t just go away. Just three days later Colin, in a drunken stupor, got into a violent fight and as a result was sent to jail.
However, prison has given Colin something he’s never had, support, encouragement and a clear head. This has allowed him to grow in faith and understanding of Jesus, supported by Mike.
What you are about to read are extracts of a letter Colin recently sent to Mike:
“Hi Mike,
I am doing good, well great actually. I have just completed a substance misuse awareness course, I am now going on to do drug awareness, youth mental health and sociology as I want to become a drug worker of some kind, whether that be a support worker or a counsellor, but whatever my calling I will do as much of the groundwork whilst in here.
For years I have tried and failed to stop taking drugs and to stop smoking, then I put my faith in the Lord.
God has made me see that the failures of my past are the opportunities of my future.
I used to think I was always going to be a drug addict and never thought that I would get into recovery. The old Colin is gone and the new one reborn with goals and a desire to do and succeed in whatever I do and I cannot praise God enough.
I may have been sent to prison but it has helped me escape the prison of my life.
I thank you [Mike] for giving me the belief to believe in myself, I thank God for the strength and courage to totally change.”
Colin may be behind bars, but he has more freedom than many people walking the streets. He’s even started his own prison ministry, helping others discover the freedom that only Christ can bring.
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