A Daring Adventure by Anne O’Connor
“This book is dedicated to the memory of our daughter Annie who lived life to the full and touched many with her kindness, warmth and friendship.”
“Our beloved elder daughter Annie died suddenly of natural causes on 12 June 2020. The day she died our eldest son James found a small notebook on her desk with just one entry which, given the circumstances, seemed prophetic:
Don’t just live the length of life: live the breadth of it as well
This quote sums her up perfectly. Annie achieved more in 41 short years than many who live more than twice that length. Since she died these words have inspired not only those who knew and loved her but also people who never met her but heard her story”
This book was produced with the support of Annie’s friends at Church Army, a community that shares her heart for nurturing people in their faith and with a special mission for the marginalised and vulnerable.
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Suggested price: £5.00