Rochdale Centre Of Mission


Rochdale Centre of Mission started in early 2021 and is based on the Belfield & Cray and Firgrove estates. The priorities for the centre of mission are to share the Good News of Jesus with those on the estates who have no connection to the church. They hope to grow a new worshipping community (or communities) in the area and to guide and encourage the local churches in their mission and evangelism. They are also aiming to be part of a Learning Network of Pioneer Ministers in the area, supporting and encouraging one another in their work.

Bing Liu Writes…

“The very first thing I felt is a huge amount of compassion for the kids running around on the street, being exposed to all kinds of things, wrong things.

My heart is with them. I want to see them being loved by Jesus and how Jesus’ love can bring hope and transformation. And when they are hurting, especially the kids and young people, they are so vulnerable, I feel God’s heart is broken.

One kid, I’ll call him Charles*, came to our football club with such strong anger issues, you could tell from his face, that he was always unhappy. I was told that he kept getting into trouble at school for aggressive behaviour like kicking the doors and fighting with others.

Last summer, on tournament day at football camp, he got into a fight with someone from the other team. As we were trying to get him cool down and shake hands, he walked off swearing with F-words all over the place. But his team members called him back. So, with a very twisted face, he forced himself to reach out and shake hands with the person.

When it came to giving out trophies, I felt to give the one for best team player to Charles. But he was sat down 30 yards away, facing the other way. I shouted out his name and with surprise he stood up and came to me, and on the way his team members cheered him on.


I felt I needed to speak into his life, so I looked him in the eye and said, “Charles, today marked the day that you have chosen the better way; you have overcome yourself, the urge to fight back, for your team’s sake. In the future you are going to meet challenges but remember that you can always choose a better way and you will be a success in life.”

A few weeks back, I was in the gym and saw someone walking towards me, and it was Charles. Before, he was so angry he wouldn’t have greeted anyone, but he walked up to me and shook my hand. At that moment I knew God had left something in his life.”

Bing Liu, Rochdale Centre of Mission

Introducing Nicola Harris

Nicola (‘Nic’) Harris has been appointed as Pioneer Evangelist in Rochdale Centre of Mission, a partnership between Manchester Diocese’s Renewing Rochdale initiative and Church Army, and has commenced her new role from 12 June.

For two years Lead Evangelist Bing Liu has been sharing the good news of Jesus with local people and has begun to develop ways of being church that are appropriate for the context.

Nic has been Children’s Pastor at the Nelson Street resource church, as well as supporting Bing with the monthly ‘Fun Time’ fresh expression of church. A trained teacher, she has a wealth of gifts with children. Through working with Bing she has developed a passion for evangelism in the Cray, Firgrove and Bellfield areas of Rochdale.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Bing as the Pioneer Evangelist for the Rochdale Centre of Mission. I fully believe that over the next few years, we will continue to see the restorative and transformative love of God at work in the Cray, Firgrove and Belfield estates; with God bringing life and hope in the way that only He can. My prayer for this season is that we will be the effective hands and feet of Jesus in this community as we continue to build relationships and share the love of God.” says Nic.

Bing commented, “I am really excited about Nic coming to work with me. Nic is the BEST! She is so passionate about children and young people and is full of creative gifts and ideas. We have been working together on a few things and supporting each other. We share the same passion but different gifts. I am sure the ministry will be greatly enriched as Nic joins me!”

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could mean reaching more young people with the gospel in schools
could provide days of fun filled activities to children in the holidays
could provide emergency supplies to families in crisis
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could provide a care pack of food and clothing to women involved in sex work
could provide one night in an emergency bed and essential toiletries for a vulnerable woman facing crisis
could take one of our youth groups to a national youth event
Your kind support will help us tackle social deprivation through partnership and collaboration to help empower individuals and communities
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Evangelists & Leaders

Bing Liu, Lead Evangelist

Nicola Harris, Pioneer Evangelist


Diocese of Manchester

The Diocese of Manchester is the Church of England in Bolton, Bury, Leigh, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Rossendale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford. Their vision is to be a worshipping, growing and transforming Christian presence at the heart of every community.

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