Llandaff Centre of Mission
The Diocese of Llandaff, South Wales
Llandaff Centre of Mission is a partnership between Church Army and the Diocese of Llandaff and began in 2015. In its first five years it served the Neath Deanery, working across 8 parishes. For the next couple of years the key focus for the Centre of Mission was advocating for, enabling and resourcing evangelism across the whole Diocese of Llandaff.
In September 2023 the work of the Centre of Mission was refocused to be based at St John the Baptist Church in the heart of Cardiff City Centre. Whilst still supporting ministry across the whole Diocese to spread and grow a culture of evangelism, the Centre of Mission works alongside St John’s to support people experiencing homelessness/vulnerably housed, people who are isolated or lonely and people who are experiencing poor mental health. Hannah (Lead Evangelist) and Meg (Pioneer Evangelist) support the church in running Grace Café (a drop-in for homeless people to access tea and toast and find community). A recently launched twice weekly drop-in called Good Company is beginning to provide a safe space for anyone to chat, play games and to chat about Jesus.
To contact Hannah or Meg, email: hannah.seal@churcharmy.org or meg.borges@churcharmy.org.
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Type of Work
Family work
Work with Elderly
Church groups
Recreation activities
Schools work
Social isolation
Building Community
Food distribution
Evangelists & Leaders
Hannah Seal, Lead Evangelist
Meg Borges, Pioneer Evangelist
Diocese of Llandaff
The Diocese of Llandaff is the most populous of all six Dioceses in Wales. It covers an area taking in the west of Cardiff in the east to Neath in the west, and the Heads of the Valleys road in the north.
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