Central Fife Centre of Mission

Glenrothes and Lochgelly, Fife

The Central Fife Centre of Mission is on the East Coast of Scotland between Edinburgh and Dundee and is a partnership with two Episcopal Churches, St Luke’s Glenrothes and St Finnian’s Lochgelly.

Update December 2022:

Rev’d Gerry Dillon, Priest Evangelist at Fife CoM, writes: 

“James VI of Scotland once described Fife as a “beggar’s mantle fringed wi gowd”. The golden fringe refer to the many golden beaches around the kingdom, but if you travel inland you’ll see many towns and cities in despair. In the 19th century Fife became a centre for mining and from the 1980s and the closure of the mines, very little has come along to fill the lives of the people.

However, there is something I have missed out, and that is the great humour and strength of those that stay here – the ‘Fifers’. One example is the recovery group that meet and work with me in Glenrothes. We share a meal and spend time together before they have time with their peers. Quite often the peer support is broken up with a break halfway through, and I am called in to share some stories and to plan events together.

One evening before the meal, there were some priests and ministers visiting the recovery group. I noticed that one of the members of the group was not acting like her usual self – she was on her best behaviour and was carefully watching every word she spoke. Once the clergy left, I asked her “What was that all about?”. She returned to her relaxed and colourful self and replied “We always have to speak proper for the real minister – I don’t bother how I speak with you, ‘cause you’re our priest!”. I have never felt such pride.

I have the privilege of being chaplain for a primary school and we have shared many experiences. One that stands out was when I was asked to spend some time sharing stories of ethics and morals. Initially, the pupils would stay at their desks to listen. Eventually, they came to trust me and enjoy our story times, and now whenever I pull up a chair for story time, the pupils will come sit around me. One day I shared about the parable of the good Samaritan, paraphrasing the story to our local streets, when there was an outburst from one pupil: “Ok Father Gerry, that’s all good, but when are you going to tell us about Jesus?!”.

We do share many stories of Jesus, and of those who have followed him. There are plans to start a chaplaincy group in the school with staff, pupils and clergy. I can’t wait to hear what will be asked for in the future.”

Gerry dillon Writes…

We are led by the community through listening to them and what they need. Everything is about food now because the people were starving.


Our volunteers run the Pantry and we do a hot meal for folk every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Lots of different people come to our mid-week community meal but there’s a core 30 who regularly attend. It’s a wonderful place to be – it’s about them.  

One of the regulars first arrived at my door in bits, saying that over the pandemic he had become more and more isolated and was really struggling. He asked if he could talk to me, and I said, ‘Of course, but as well, why don’t you and have something to eat’? and his eyes lit up. He was worried about the cost, as he said he had no money, but I told him to just bring himself.  

He grabbed me a few weeks later and said, ‘I was at the very end, I had lost all hope and just happened to come to you because I saw your door open. There you were and there this group was, and it saved me. It’s literally saved my life.’ 

Gerry Dillon, Central Fife Centre of Mission

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Type of Work

Church groups

Social isolation

Building Community

Schools work

Evangelists & Leaders

Gerry Dillon, Lead Evangelist

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Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane

The Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane is one of the seven dioceses of the Scottish Episcopal Church. It covers Fife, Perth and Kinross,  Clackmannanshire and eastern and central Stirling, with St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth, at its centre.

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