Share your Testimonies with Us
We would LOVE to read your testimony of God at work in your life, and the lives of others!
Here are some ideas:
- What is God doing in your life so far this year?
- How did you come to know Jesus?
- Do you have a favourite or poignant Bible verse or story?
- How did you first hear about Jesus?
- How does God speak to you?
- Is there a particular place or someone that inspires you in your discipleship?
- How do you share your faith?
- What do you find difficult about following Jesus?
Free resources to help you share your faith
Faith Pictures
Helping Christians talk about their own story of faith with confidence.
Faith Shared
Helping Church groups to think about how they connect with the communities around them.
Faith Empowered
Enabling those who feel called to evangelism in the local church to explore their calling.