
Coronavirus: But I’m Not Techy!

Cherith Withington

The start of the first week of lockdown was hard. It’s been an interesting start, and my work has changed drastically – rather than physically in person it’s turned to virtual and online. My phone never stopped buzzing, and I had to charge it 3 times a day; I was getting used to Zoom; I was getting used to more WhatsApp groups, more Facebook groups and how I can share things online. My head was just mush and I was freaking out!

Then the first week had passed and I was still stressing about it. Thanks to other people in Church Army I was able to share their videos and creative stuff. I felt so low, and I thought, “I’m not a high-tech person; I can’t do this”. But then I realised if this is the way things are going to be, I need to work with it rather than against it.

So, I decided to start video editing. This is a massive thing for me, and something that I never thought that I would be able to do. A local curate who’s very techy shared an easy step-by-step guide on how to put a video together. It has been amazing, and I have learnt so much!

During Holy Week I was able to share a video every day with daily activities for kids to do with their families. This included people reading Bible stories, pictures, a video of me, and sharing it onto our Facebook groups with a scheduled post (something else I have learnt to do!).

It may not be perfect, the slickest or most amazing, but do you know what? I am proud of it!

When I did my first video and I showed it to my husband, I was like a little child in primary school showing off my artwork; I had done it!

It took me all day to get the hang of it, but I love it. And I’m still getting the hang of it.

Remember just keep persevering! Even though virtual can be such a struggle, keep going!

I am also doing a lot of stuff on Zoom. Zoom is probably a lot of people’s best friend at the minute! I am doing a virtual Alpha once a week on a Monday evening (when all the kids are sleeping and so it’s a little bit quieter) and the fellowship in that group is amazing. God is breaking through! We have a WhatsApp group as well as meetings, and it is just incredible to see God breakthrough online. It’s so powerful.

I do weekly prayers for kids on Zoom – a simply creative prayer for children and families. And I am also joining in Zoom daily prayers, connecting with people regularly via video and phone calls. It is lovely to hear people’s voices.

In this new world that we’re living in, it is so hard sometimes to get your head around everything. But seeing God breakthrough is bringing so much joy and so much growth.

My advice? Give it a go; don’t be scared. Let’s give ourselves a challenge during this crisis and get creative in how we are sharing the love of God with the people around us!

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