World Day of Social Justice 2023

Each year on 20 February the United Nations celebrates World Day of Social Justice. The day calls attention to the need to eradicate poverty, hunger and disease as well as promote fairness in education and employment opportunities for everyone. It also looks to tackle issues like human trafficking, child labour and racism.

In a world where over 736 million people still live below the poverty line and close to 1 billion people are unemployed, the day serves as an important reminder of the work that still needs to be done.

As Church Army we want to see those global numbers fall through the work we do in across the UK and Ireland, with people struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness and unemployment. This week we are focusing our prayers on our efforts to alleviate poverty and how we are helping to fight some of the many injustices that homeless men and women face.

Our Marylebone Project is one of the largest women’s only hostels. Through the Sanctuary, Marylebone’s 24/7 drop-in centre, we are helping women seeking refuge and support. Between April 2021 and March 2022:

Nights of emergency accommodation provided
Women helped into independent living
Women attended positive activity sessions
Women visited The Sanctuary 24/7 Drop-In

Social justice is about ensuring that everyone in society enjoys the same basic rights and opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances. It’s about building a fairer society where everyone can reach their full potential. That is why services such as the Marylebone Project are helping homeless women in London to find safety, security and support towards a stable future.

Prayers in Focus

Pray for our Projects, Centres of Mission and Evangelists who are working to fight poverty and homelessness: that they will have the resources they need to make a real difference in the lives of those affected.

Pray for strength and resilience for those facing hardship due to poverty or homelessness this year and that we will be equipped to reach those people who find themselves struggling without help.

Pray that we continue to find creative ways of helping people struggling with poverty so that they can experience true hope and lasting change.