Welcome to Catalyst

140 Year Anniversary Edition #2

Read Each Story Below

Welcome to Catalyst

Go for the Worst

The Early Days of Training

A Noble Army of Women

Eyes on the Road

The Church Army of Christmas Past

Remember, Pass it On

Going Home

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Welcome to Catalyst

Welcome to this special edition of Catalyst. This is part two of our anniversary magazine celebrating 140 years of bringing hope on the streets. In this issue we’ll be looking at some of the key moments that set the course for Church Army over the years and some of the incredible women who have shaped Church Army.

We will also hear from Captain Philip Johanson OBE who was CA’s Chief Secretary for 16 years from 1990 – 2006 and read about the birth of Church Army Training which, having evolved through the ages, has remained integral to our vision of sharing the Gospel with everyone everywhere. As this issue of Catalyst will take us right up to the end of 2022, we’ll also be looking at Christmas with Church Army through the ages and how we spread hope to people during some of the coldest parts of the year, when those who are homeless feel the bite of winter more bitterly and those who are lonely feel the emptiness more keenly. It is into situations such as these that Church Army has always sought to be the light of Christ, shining brightly in the dark places; casting out shadow and bringing hope, joy, love and peace to the people who need it most.

You’ll notice the image is a print from the Church Army Review in October 1908 depicting The Shadow of Winter in the form of a spectre pursuing a poor family threatening: want, hunger, destitution, and unemployment. As the family flees the spectre looms above the trees, growing nearer as the gap between autumn and winter closes. A Church Army Sister and Captain in uniform can be seen moving in with urgency from the right of the image to shield the family from the oncoming terror of winter; the Captain throwing himself in front of the deathly ghoul and the Sister sweeping a protective cloak across them with one hand and reaching out to them with the other. This is a striking image of how Church Army serves to protect and provide for those in need. Today, just as in 1908, CA will be working to shield people from the suffering that comes to many with the onset of cold weather, especially this year as we prepare to head into an unprecedented fuel crisis in the UK and Ireland, already causing many to feel anxious about the months ahead.

One final note – this is not only the last Special Edition of Catalyst, but this will also be the final Catalyst in its current form. In January we will be bringing you an new style of magazine with a refreshed look and more stories about where Church Army are drawing alongside people, seeing lives transformed, and hearts turned to Christ. As we are preparing this edition of Catalyst to go to print we have recently heard the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty The Queen had been a Patron of Church Army for many years.

In 1943 The late King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth became patrons of Church Army. This followed a meeting with Wilson Carlile at which he refused to leave until they agreed to be Patrons.

Upon the death of King George VI the new Queen Elizabeth II became a Patron with her mother and remained so until her sad death. We give thanks for Her Late Majesty’s Patronage and support of Church Army throughout her reign, and the Christian example she set to all.

And a big thank you! If you give to Church Army, you are making change happen. Your generosity is transforming the lives of people who have lost hope and continues to be instrumental in people saying yes to Jesus for the first time. As you read through this legacy edition of Catalyst, join with us in giving thanks to God for the work He has done through Church Army over the last 140 years and pray that He continues to use us to reach more people as we step into the future, for His glory.

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