
Indelibly Marked

Peter Graystone

…When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit…” Ephesians 1:13

I was in the underwear department of a store when a market researcher asked me what my favourite brand was. I replied: “Kelloggs.” I could tell this wasn’t the answer she hoped for. But I do so love my cornflakes!

The way we recognise brands is really important. I once came out of Oxford Circus tube station looking for Marks and Spencer. Even though I didn’t know which way to turn I could see a green glow in the distance. I was so certain it was the M&S colour that I went towards it. I was right.

Now, we have a new way to recognise Church Army projects and resources. I love it. Our new logo has great, bold letters and includes the date we were established, which speaks of a faithful history and a strong determination to bring the Good News to the present. The first time I saw it I thought of a tent. It makes me happy to think of Church Army as a huge tent in which the country’s neediest people can find shelter while the love and hope of Jesus restores their lives.

Did you know the idea of a logo appears in the Bible? Writing to the Christians of Ephesus, Paul said that when they became Christians they were branded with the Holy Spirit. In the marketplace of Ephesus, when customers bought animals or grain, the goods were marked indelibly to identify their new owner. When he returned at the end of the day there was no doubt to whom they belonged.

It’s true of you too. You are indelibly marked with a logo. The Holy Spirit is your invisible tattoo. Ever since you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit has been the sign that you are God’s. You belong to him, no one else can take you away. It’s with him that you are going home.

Your brand is a wonderful thing. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if all Christians had a green glow like Marks and Spencer? Your logo is invisible, of course. But wouldn’t it be great if Christians were so recognisable by their love for others, that people could recognise them as men and women of the Holy Spirit, even if they just glimpsed them from a distance…

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